Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pesanan untuk Mak Cik Wan

After 4 months holiday..tomorrow will be the day..i'll be leaving my hometown ...continuing my study in food science and technology...bunyi mcm senang kan??senang la jugak..stay up smp 4 pg tiap2 mlm,every week at least ade 5 lab reports kene buat tu x msuk assignment,test,uiz and whatsoever..but every student pon mcm tu kan..lau x mcm mane nk berjaya...(smgt la kunun2)..

Many things happened during my holiday..smgt konon2 nk keje,smpt la keje hotel for a week,and pergi interview sane sini,bw sijil diploma n resume habis,pdhal org x pandang pon tu sume...keje biasa2 kan...

Ini pesanan sy untuk makcik wan aka my mum ,i wish someone can pass this to her,bcos i have no guts to do it.. :
@mak jgn angkat pasu sorg2,i know u too sayang ur pokok bunga ckp ngn die hari2,but ur not well kn so please2 don't do tht on ur own..
@slalu alarm umah..remote dh ade bkn susah pon tekn je..n x yh lri2 sgt lah kunun2 tkot bunyi alarm tu pdhal ade a few seconds b4 bunyi..
@jgn suke sgt renovate umah tiap kali balik cuti pon umah bertukar...
@lau ade ape2 nk buat mentol rosak ke ape panggil ur bff Pak cik asin(i don't know his true name) die kan multipurpose tukang..nk cat umah ke,buat katil,gantung gmbr,baiki paip sume die buat plus pg ke laut bila ikan n brg basah xde kt umah die...n pass some ikan n sotong to my mum(hebak dop die??)
@please call pakcik saari to potong ur rumput n potong pokok..jgn rajin2 sgt laa nk tebas rumput rampai tuuu
@jgn bergaduh dgn apek jual freezer tu..nnti bila die dh hntr check ngan die betol2
@lau bosan kol mak cik amnah or bckp ngan makcik ani or mk cik yah(our jiran)
@always lock pintu pagar lau nk kuar
@jgn baik sgt ngan strangers n pemint sedeqah...kdg2 dorg tu siht je tp saje mls nk keje...jgn ajak dorg msuk umah
@drive the car carefully n dun worry bil kt bonggol kete tu xkn turun(mkcik wn dh 14 yers bw kete mnul so x gheti sgt kete auto ni)
@takecare of urself,take the medicine on time,jgn gtal2 nk g mkn tapai or tembikai pastu bg alasan xleh mkn ubt
@jgn simpan laauk lame2 xde org nk makannye..msk sket2 sudah..
@jgn bergaduh with tampung (stray cat kt umh) give him or her (jntina pon xtau) food,tp lau jht sgt halau je ngan lidi..kehkehkeh
@jgn angkt berat2,xyah buat keje umah sgt laa..lau nk kems pggil mkcik jah suruh kemas umah n urut mak..
@tlg jaga pokok bunga cempaka telur sy,lau ade bunge cepat2 kutip tau
@if u feel lonely and miss ur children,dtg je kl...or call us...
@jgn suke sgt pg sabasun sorg2 n bli byk2 but kedai runcit kt umh

itu shja pesanan untuk makcik wan or mak,u know how much i love u kn,take a gud care of urself..slalu pg follow up doctor...duduk elok2..I LOVE U SO MUCH MUM!!! MY BESTFRIEND EVER...

Monday, December 20, 2010


hye bloggers!!i know,dh lame giler x update blog2 yg lapuk di telan zaman ni...bkn pe...bze n mls nk mengarang2 sbb skrg ni bosan keterlampauan,sy pon mengdecide utk update blog ni utk kepuasan hopefully pasni byk la post2 bru yg akan di postkan..ape ayt ak ni,mcm pelik je...mgkin sy x akan mengulang ape yg telah terjadi sepanjang kepergian sy ini...sbb too many to write kan....2 minggu bru abis kot..hahaha k la see u in the next post!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

hellow Bloggers!! i miss u..

Hye peeps!!!

long time no see..hahaha...mmg dh lame glerr x update blog ni...but mlm ni tetiba rase nk update lak..hurm for ur info there's about 15 hari je lagi i would finish up my practical...x sedar mase berlalu kan??tp i sedarr jee..hahaha cukup2 la..i've enough of it!!hurm i try to make it short as i am now thinking that mcm satu beban nk tulis blog sbb mesti kene tulis pjg2...too many things happend during all these days..

ok,slow2 prac training,ok je mcm biasa..i've no prob with that,than aritu g kawin n i ader misi ngan practical mate ,yg ktorg bertekad nk amik gmbr kt sawah padi..yela ktorg kan org bandar,excited nampak pdi!!haha excitedd giler!!!!(prasan org bndr,pdhal die yg jakun!)

Thursday, February 4, 2010


4th February 1989,a child was borned weighed 3.2kg...she has bee given a name which is NAQIAH 'AFIFAH HAMZAH...she's still tiny little one...

4th February 2010,she is now 21 year old...with a bigger size,hahaha still the same one,who you knew before..

and here I am wishing my self HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MYSELF....may ALLAH swt bless me..looking back a few years ago,on how im celebrating my birthday,thinking that i had been surrounded with beautiful memories,of my family and friends,singing happy birthday,blowing candles,cut the cakes,opening i miss that moment!!!
but now i realize that im getting older each day,yes im getting into it...knowing that my birthday will be not celebrated as im in standard 5 or what..i must be satisfied with all the wishes through facebook,sms,ym,phone call,mms or what so ever..knowing that they still remember my birthday,is enough for me..i can't ask more than that...
being a NAQIAH 'AFIFAH for 21 years is not as easy as you many hardship should her passed through,so many joys that can bring her into tears,and so many tears that turned into happiness..that's what we called Life!
Thinking back about my passed life,makes me feel grateful for what i am today..i may not be a president of any club,i may not be as beautiful lady like others,i may not be topten in my class,and i may not be perfect like others...but i am grateful for what i have today..currently im on my way to finish up my last semester and insyAllah will be grad soon with diploma in food technology..wishing i can continue my study in degree..i have a wonderful family around me...being a daughter without her 'Abah' for 21 years is not easy for her..i rare talking bout him..but i just kept thinking,each day if and what IF,he is now beside he proud of who i am rite now??does he think that i am a good daughter,will he be beside me when i need somebody to comfort me??what if a can meet him for just a moment...telling him that im so proud to be her daughter,telling him that my mother has been very good taking care of his children..but it is just if...if means NOTHING....but im glad to have my mother through all this beautiful years...she's always beside me whenever im happy or sad,comforting me when i feel down,share her happiness with me...and my wonderful siblings!!that give colours to my life..thanks for all the love u sharing with me!!!!! and my beautiful niece and nephew,do u have ever wondered that aunty su loves u soooo muucchhh!!!!

And my besties,my second priority after my family..u know i can't live without u guys..thanks for our precious friendship through all these years..u know how much i love's endless..infinity..there's no other people that can break up our friendship!!

and my love story???it is NOTHING! ZERO! i dun know who,how and when..just let Him decide for me..and i hope all my frens wishes about getting my prince charming this year akan di makbulkan..amin...

and my wish for this year :
~have a good and healthy life
~cut off some weight
~continue my study in degree
~surrounded with family and friends
~get new purse
~go to Japan
~get new shoes,senang ckp sume bju ,sluar
~get new camera..x kisah la slr ke hape ke janji new
~get a bouquet of white roses with choc in it..
~get a bigggggg birthday cake!
~i want new watch
~get a car(ni mcm susah je)
~found my prince charming and i hope he's no taking too much time to make a u-turn and find his wayback..
~i didn't wish for anything more than this,please give another few years and more to give back all the loves that they gave for appreciate what they had done for give them happiness like they had give to me..and if u give me this,i would not wish for anything..

and that is it all my wishlist for my birthday!and im glad He had give me a wonderful 21 years for me to see the world...and a BBBIIGGGGG THANK YOUUU FOR ALL THE SWEET WISHES!!!!!!LOVE U ALL LOTS!!!

hugssss and kiissseeesss (muax muax),
naqiah 'afifah hamzah

Sunday, January 3, 2010

day's 2010 babe!

wooaahhh sudah lame x update blog...tetiba rase mls..haha xleh2 new year xleh mls!!nway HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010 TO ALL OF U!!!MAY U ACHIEVE WHAT U WANT DIS YEAR!sbenarnye so many things to share with u guys!!sorry la lame gler x update blog broadband buat hal..n im so,so,so pissed off with celcom!!btw,it's over now..end of story...ok bout my practical,hurm aritu pas abis wt kambing tu ktorg wt la plak sardin..wat sardin best sket,workers kt ctu kate best sbb mkcik kilang x ske cos keje die xde rehat stret ktorg bdak practical ni ske la..leh rehat n btol2 bwt keje food tech,bkn tolak tin je...ktorg kene amik ph n brix sos tomato sardin tu...pas tgk cre sardin tu di buat,rase cm x nk mkn sardin plak..hehe u never know what they put inside there until u see it by urself!bg yg x tau ph n brix tu ape sile google ye..alat utk mengukur brix tu dipanggil refractometer ala2 teropong la..pastu bila ktorg kna check brix tu pekerja lelaki kt ctu sbuk ckp ktorg tgk anak bulan..wateva la..ok ha x ingat nk btau kakak QC ktorg tu cuti 2 hri..xtau die wt tech kt ctu pon cuti gak,kebetulan rmi la plak cuti time2 cmni..bese la bdak nk bukak skolah..
ktorg pon jd bos kecikla utk 2 hri tu..hehehe best gak jd bos..monitor je org wt keje...good news for this new year my secret admirer yg sewel tu dh resign..thanks GOD!!!ok back to work,en Z ni ader 1 prangai dimana bila sy bw kete die bg blk awl dlm kol 3 or 3.30ptg cmtu dh blk...hehe pastu kakak qc n food tech tu jeles!!tgk la en Z syg ktorg!hahaha tp bila xde kete nk jugak blk awl n die ngan slambernyer lg best die ckp pasni xyah tunggu dh,dh abis keje trus blk..ha tu yg ktorg nk dgr dr dulu!!bEst la en Z!!!

Ktorg pon dh jd makin rapat ngan pekerja kilang kt ctu..honestly ktorg lg prefer kwn ngan workes lelaki dr pompuan..bknnye ape ader la sorg due pkerja pompuan ni asyik mengumpat je..panas tlinga dgr..yg lelaki ni sempoi je..ckp biase2 je bru ok!!n ader sorg pkcik tu name die pakcik K,x tau la ape msalah die tp modal die lau nk ckp ngan ktorg psl semut je..sbb tu ktorg pggil die SEMUT GATAL...lau ckp je psl semut pehal die plak tlg matikan semut tu kt labcoat ktorg!amboi tgn tu jage sket eyh..n ktorg lebih berhati2 ngan die..x sure la die tu gatal ke or mmg concern pasl ktorg..kot ye pon jgn melampau sgt ye!die pekerja lame gak ah kt ctu... ok pastu ktorg dpt merase wt sardin tu for 1 week je..adoii la pastu smbung wt kambing lak!!!lab coat ktorg tu dh kalis ngan clorox sbb slalu bsuh..lau x terpercik air kambing kene sos sardin plak!!adoi la..nsib baik la msin basuh ader..owh ader 1 lg nk cite ni en Z tu unpredictable..tetiba je die pki jeans la..kemeja lengan pjgn la..skrg ni mkin bergaye2 x tau ape motif die..n mak sy sudah mula bimbang kot2 ank die kene ngorat ngan bos!!hakikatnye,no way mak,anak mak masih waras lg!!hahaha

Ok end of criter psl practical,cuti bru2 ni rmi la kwn2 ajak kuar n the best thing is sfera n farah pon blk..syaz je x balik.. =( so ktrog x la rncg ape2 for new year..just mkn2 free for 3 days starting from umah sfera..mak die tempah ns kunyit...wowww best gler!!then my house!!my mum crave for steamboat,so i buat la ns grg thai n steambot n invite a few besties with their mum!!!mlm tu mcm happy gler!!cos mcm reunion dh bising gler..ngan mak nye ngan anknye same naik je sume!!x cukup ngan tu ktorg g sleepover kt umah nini to celebrate new year..kt umah nini lak mak die msk mee grg plak..owhh bestnye lau hari2 cmtu..then ktorg ngan smngt berkobar2 g la smbut new year..tgk2 bunga apinye se das due je..kureng hasam btol!!!!n mlm tu pon ktorg smbut bday nini n azwa..belated bday xpela..wlapon new year x la se best mane but it really doesn't matter..
k la got to go now..excited bcos 2 morrow ader 5 bdak practical from udm nk join we see how tomorrow will be..kte buli dorg or dorng buli kte..nite people!!

Moral value for today : if u were surrounded by ur loved ones,it doesn't matter where u r..just enjoy the moment when u togeda..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

day 4- en Z baik rupenye...

assalamualaikum...after 2 days off im starting to miss my makcik2 kilang,my kambing2..wlaupon penat tp mcm duk kt umah pon busan pelik bila duk kt ofis pon busan,kesimpulannye duk mane2 pon busan,how we start our day today??hurm mlm sbtu tu puas la buat fashion show sorg2 cri bju ape yg sesuai di pakai g la..xleh pki jeans,bj kurung ,blaus pon kene labuh2 sket,hehe lepas penat mengorek lemari2 lame...jumpa la bju2 yg di cari...pegi la dgn semngatnyer dgn membawa bekal sandwich telur..ok smp kt ofis kunci lgi nbilah dh smp awl...en Z x sampai lg..pekerja2 sume bersorak HHOORRAAYYY...BEK X MRI!!JUM G KARAOKE!! adoi la pantang cuti sket...arini ktorg x wt processing sbb ade beberapa mesin x mmg bdak2 kilang xde keje la n nbilah dh berpusing2 kpala nk pikir nk wt mende 1 hri ni...tetiba..satu kereta masuk..rupenye en Z dtg..wat gane die x mri..kan ader pjbt kesihatan nk wt spot check arini..en Z sunggoh smart arini!!!dgn bju tight in nye...msuk dlm pejabat ngan tu ktorg duk mengut je..kol 8.30 pon rase mcm 5 jam doh duduk ctu..ktorg sgt2 la busan smp main tahan2 laluan semut..nbilah ah start ikut je..pastu main2 mcm syok plok thn semut ni..hehe phtu sy ni nok tuko la laluan semut tu supaye die lebih adventurous sket..tetapi malang x terpenyek plop semut tu..sorry la cik semut..hehehe pastu ktorg dh xde mainan doh..smbung termenung lg..tiba2 en Z berkata..DOH AWOK 2 ORG NOK WT MENDENYE ARINI?? ktorg pon ngan muka sposen stengohnye menghenjutkan bahu menandekan x tau..then kak qc tu suruh la isi borang ape ntah cek2 suhu gtu..pas isi tu ktorg sgt la busan phtu g kt main ofis kbetulan mase tu nok rehat doh...smbil berehat2 kt krusi rotan yg agak2 empuk dan reput tu..tiba2 ader sorg kak tu dtg membawa plastik yg byk rupenye2 ader mknan dlm tu..die mri jual kt pjbt tu..punye la banyok kak2 ofis ni bli.,...ngan ns kapit sambalnye..ngan pau nyor nye...nas kuning la..ishh mencabar keimanan ak sunggoh!

Patut la dorg x kuo lunch..pastu ktorg di ajak oleh kak qc g wt coding...ktorg pon g la sbb xdop keje ngat,jumpa la mokcik2 kilang tu...yg peliknye..haish sape amik food tech ni??sy ke mokcik...mokcik2 tu plop hok jd qc n ktorg plop hk jd pekerja kilang..x kisah la makcik..ktorg bg makcik chance!!=)

Then pas bais wt coding tu balik smula la ke pjbt..tetiba encik Z masuk ngan membawa 2 newspaper..die berkata...AMIK AH NI BACE SURAT KHBOR...hehe caye dop ye bli surat khbor ke ktorg..en Z mmg baik ati... die takot ktorg busan..then ptg2 tu ktorg beramah mesra ngan kakak2 ofis tu...then tiba2 kol 2 lebih cmtu ader la org ketuk pintu...die ckp ni P****** ke??then sy ckp ye lah..die ckp kami wakil dr pon ckp skejap ye..pastu trus tutup pintu balik..x sedar la plak tu la yg org kilang tu tunggu2 slame ni..hahaha ikut ske ati aku je..then pggil la en Z ckp dorg dh smp..en Z tnya mane dorg nye??haha mse tu nbilah yg lyn en Z pdhal die x tau sy x jempot pon dorg msuk..sorry..pstu ktorg pon klam kabut la kemas brg menyorok kt dpur..hehe then ader la plak akak tu ckp..awk reti kan wt air..tlg wt air utk dorg...adoi la wt air la plop..pas abis wt air tu suruh la nbilah anto..haha terketor2 bdak tu anto air kt meeting room..smp pakcik tu tnya bkpe smp dgr cwn berlaga2 ho??haha then pas sume tu dh kesihatan pon dh balik...ktorg bru je nk rase idup aman..eyh2 alih2 en A yg amik cuti tu dtg office lak..adoi laa skali lg die sindir ktorg ckp nk pdt bru next week la..ape la keje food tech cmni..x pikir nk create mende bru la..abis tu die tu??elok sgt ke marketing strategy die??amboi sedapnyer mulut brckp!!!ktorg pon wt bodoh je biarkan die ngan lawak yg die bwat n die sndiri gelak...arini ktorg balik dgn badan yg x penat tp hati x brape nk tenang sbb kene sindir td..huh!

Moral value for today : If u want people to respect u, u first must show respect to people!!

fifa hamzah

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3rd day- Hari Bosan Sedunia

yes, i know..dh lewat 1 hri i should update dis sorry..too penat..hehe today is friday..n its a HOLIDAY!!!dh lame x rase holiday!yeay!kla tnpa membuang mse sy nk menceritakan hari ketiga sy tu bermula ngan perasaan sgt berat hti nk g keje..x tau knape tp letih sgt usual bw bekal g kerja..n pg tu g keje lewat sket sbb xnk la mngadap muka en Z tu friend nabilah dh smp rupenye..awl lak die ktorg dgn efisyennye tnpa disuruh2 msuk ke kilang trus..n en Z trus-trusan merungut psl komputer die yg x leh buke n ktorg mls nk aritu saje2 la g tnya kak qc tu nk wt ape..hehe sbenarnye ktorg dh mls wt filling dging lam tin tu..penat gler x kakak tu ckp arini awk mixkan air daging tu with nitrate n phosphate..hurm function mende2 lain tu x yah ckp la science tau kot..senang je keje tu tp pekerja laki2 tu mcm excited le ader org baru kt tmpt dorg..tugas ktorg senang je main timbang2 n kcau2...hehee pastu ktorg main check2 suhu daging tu
stengah jam skali..slagi ktorg x bg lepas sbb suhu die x cukup 80 deg slgi tu pekerja tu x leh smbung keje..hehe kire ktorg ni bos kecik la...then dh kitorg busan2 main air kambing tu...yes again KAMBING ye puan2..kwn baik sy..ktorg pon g kcau bdak kt seaming tu plak..(seaming tu nk tutupkan tin ngan penutup die..) ktorg main tmbah2 penutup tin kan satu yg pelik..ader la sorg budak ni..kejap die ader kt air kambing tu..kejap die ader kt seaming tu..mane2 je ader muke die..bru prasan ader 2 org..aish main tang nusuk lak(org trg je phm ni ye) bdak ni...pastu sy ngan gatal mulutnye bertnya..ouh sblum tu die dulu ringan mulut tnya sy..'kak,kak ni name ape'??amboi ikut ske ati mu je pggil ak pon jwb la afifah...dia ckp ha??atiqah??..aish pekak la plak bdak pon jwb dgn hati yg sabarnye..AFIFAH..dia ckp ooo abis tu pggil kak pah sudoh la jwb..ikut ske ati la..pstu sy berlalu pergi ngan nbilah g kcau budak seaming tu..hehe abis keje tu sy g balik kt tmpt mixture kmbing tu..pstu sy g tnya bdak tu..'EH AWK ADER KEMBAR KE??' dgn muka siyes sy bertanya..die ckp knape nampak muka same ckp la aah..pastu 1 kilang gelakkan sy..xtau ape msalah dorg ni..gelak2 plak..pastu die ckp xde la..mak lain ayh mcm x puas ati cmtu btol ke x bdak ni..lau btolo apsl die gelak..pastu sy tnya lg,abis tu adik awk ke tu..then die ckp..hehe btol la kembar sy..rupenye malu nk mengaku!!!!ceh!asal x bgtau je cmtu kan senang...pastu sy pon g la rehat..then pas rehat kejap dlm kol 11 cmtu nk smbung keje blk..tetiba ngah join makcik kilang rehat..bru je nk sarung but n pki mask..then blackout..hadoi!!!ni x byr letrik ke hape??1 hri mesti ader skali yg blackout..dlm kilang trus gelap..x nampk pape..dlm stengah jam tu letrik ader blk tp ktorg xleh nk wt keje sbb ader wyr duk dlm ofis jela..

EN Z pon ape lagi kelam kabut la ngan che yen tu..duk baiki ape smp ke ptg ktorg xleh wt duk la melangut dlm opis tu smbil memandang muka en Z aka BEK..hehe..then dia ngah tgk fail ape ntha die pggil che yen suruh pggil pekerja die yg len..tetiba en Z berkata kpd sy n nbilah..AWOK,BLEH KUAR KEJAP DOPP??ktorg pon ngan muka tercengang2 kuar..bru nk bukak pintu die ckp..BKN APE SY NK MEMBEBEL SKET KT BEBUDAK TU..oouhh bru sy phm..ingatkan en Z x sukakan kami!hehetp kn en Z ni baik juagk sbenarnye..kalau jumpa ktorg ngah jalan die senyum lain x pon..hehehe agakknye ktorg pon tunjuk prngai baik kot( berdisiplin la kot) x mcm half of worker die..then ktorg pon duk melangut la dlm main ofis ...tgh2 duk melangut smp kebas punggung tu busanggggg tahap dewa dh..kak qc tu tnya..awk xde kje eyh??tlg sy bleh x..ktorg pon meluru ke arah die smbil berkate..boleh2(dgn sgt2 berbesar hatinye..tlgla bg kami keje)..tlg potostat minit mesyuarat ni ek..7 copy...ktorg pon ok je least bleh gak main ofis2 ngan nbilah duk main mesin potostat tu..ala mcm dlm drama tu!!hehe tiba2 ader la suara garau dr luar..excuse me..ader x mende sy print td..amboi..ngan x bg salam nye..tego ktorg..eyh ko ni buat ape bdak practical potostat ke??ko amik ape??sape buli ko suruh potostat mesti qc tu..eyh2 mamat ni alih2 je ikut ske ati die je dtg nk tegor org,die tnya lg ko amik ape??ktorg ckp food tech..pastu die ckp..ak x kire nextweek ak nk satu product bru...die duk ulang mende tu byk kali...byk cantik mu ko!!!!!! ktorg wt food development pon satu sem nk siap ni die nk dlm mse sminggu??gle ke ape??!!!bos pon x mintak ape2 tau..pastu ade pekerja tu tnya..awk tau ke sape yg masuk td?ktorg geleng je kpale..die ckp..tu en A..dia jge bhg marketing..die org kl..patut la..ckp kl semacam je!!ingat ko tu org kl nk berlagak la...nbilah pon ckp msuk kg org nk blgak..lantak die la..we r not producing any new product in a week ok..noktah

and then akibat bengang ngan en A to we prefer to mngadap muka en Z drp die..sekurang2nye en Z tu x mngacau idup ktorg of story after that ktorg pon balik..n for me..ptg tu b&p dtg pick up me n bw g mkn2..perkataan yg plg glamer for hari tu n i think for the whole entire practical is BASE NGUH (en Z plg sukke gune perkataan ni)

MORAL VALUE FOR TODAY : DON'T JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER( en Z tu sbenarnye garang kt luar tp baik gak dlm ati die kot)..hehe

fifa hamzah